They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
-Laurence Binyon
Brigadier General
George William St George Grogan, VC, CB, CMG, DSO & Bar
Worcestershire Regiment
This incredible man would win the Victoria Cross while yelling "You can stop them if you want to, the Boche are no bloody good!" during the Disastorous 3rd battle of the Ainse. He saved the day and his earlier exploits in africa are also of note. Truly and exceptional piece and story.

Brigadier Owen Cadogan Wolley-Dod, CB, DSO
2nd Lancashire Fusiliers
The tales of Adventure surrounding this hero of the Lancashire fusiliers are scarcely comparable. From the dusty plains of Omdurman to the blasted hell of Spion Kop he would rise to the rank of Brigadier, playing a key role at the Gallipoli landings.

Brigadier Cecil John Woolley, DSO, MC
1/6th North Staffordshire
The man who wore this mess jacket Earned the Military Cross in WW1 for "shooting 4 Germans" during a trench raid and taking many prisoners, guns and saving the wounded. He would go on to command the Anti Aircraft Defences on Malta during the siege in WW2, for this he would earn the Distinguished Service Order.

George Holbrow Lang rose from the rank of Midshipman to Captain, he would fight across the South African Veldt in the Boer war, Free slaves off the Zanzibar coast and patrol the cold Atlantic in WW1. Later making voyages across the empire, his story is one that is an incredible look into the small managing actions the British Empire and Royal Navy undertook.

Major Lionel Thomas Hillier Leland
Worcestershire Regiment
Major Leland would serve with the Imperial Yeomanry during the Boer War and take a demotion to Lt. in 1916 so he could rejoin the men of the Worcestershire Regiment in time for the Somme. He blew the whistle and led them over the top on July 1st, being severely wounded. Something that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

Captain Kenneth Gordon, MC
Machine Gun Corps
Captain Gordon would serve with the Machine Gun Corps during the Great War, earning the Military cross for holding the line and taking command. He would serve through the interwar years and the Second World war as well with the Royal Artillery.

From Africa to Mesopotamia, he would live a life of incredible adventure. He first fought the Boers in 1900 then Rebels in Northern Nigeria. He would take to the air in 1914 becoming a pilot. Burnett would go on to play a key role in the air wars of WW1 and WW2, eventually commanding the Royal Australian Airforce until 1944.

Major Maurice Aubone Pyke, MC
Royal Field Artillery
Maurice Aubone Pyke would serve with the Royal Field Artillery during WW1, during his time fighting on the western front he would earn the Military Cross for saving the guns! Rumour has it he went on to serve in Waziristan circa 1937 as well.